Monday, June 14, 2010

Smocked Clothing Belongs in the Zoo!

Some of my friends say I've gone over the deep end. Others say I'm obsessed. As long as they're talking about me and smocked clothing, I'd have to confess they're probably right. Take yesterday, for example. A simple trip to the Oakland Zoo with friends means... you guessed it... zoo-animal themed smocked clothing for the kids! (A tip for visitors to the Bay Area - the Oakland Zoo is better than the San Francisco Zoo, though as a San Franciscan I hate to admit it.)

What could be more fun than putting your child in an outfit with the design of their favorite zoo animal and then heading down to the zoo? It's like they have a special connection or are in the club with the critters. We went to visit the pediatrician for our daughter's annual. The Doctor looked at her palms and asked, "Do you like the Monkey Bars?" Busted! The evidence was there - callouses from swinging to and 'fro like the monkeys do!

Here she is caught in the act.

Naturally, Molly opted for the Monkey Bishop dress. Zuccini Smocked Clothing has a hutch-full of the stuff . Usually it's a trio of our simian pals lined up front and center like the classic "Hear no evil, See no evil, Speak no evil" minus the hand gestures. Generally they're posing like you would imagine monkeys do - one arm up, one arm down, swinging from trees, etc. Zuccini makes a great set for girls and boys. The Smocked Monkey Jumper and Blouse is a pretty combination and the Boys Smocked John John would make any monkey sympathizer proud!

Meanwhile back in the Amphibian house we saw blue South American Tree Frogs that are so poisonous that if you touch them it is fatal - for you. These little guys supply the poison found in the famous "poison darts". I'm not sure how the poison goes from the frog to the dart, but somehow the natives are able to do it (built up immunity? special gloves?) Usually frogs are looked upon as non-toxic and certainly this is true on any smocked clothing, as our son would attest if he could talk yet. This was Mom's choice for his Zoo trip (he is 16 months and easygoing when it comes to clothing choice - got to take advantage of it while it lasts!) Here's a picture of the little man fortifying himself with a pancake pre-Zoo.

Claire and Charlie have gilded the lily with their selection for boys and girls. The Boys Smocked Frog Shortall is great for a hot summer day at the zoo, and the Girls Smocked Purple Gingham Frog Bishop Dress also keeps it cool with it's sleeve design.

One incredibly cool feature of the Oakland Zoo is a chairlift. Yes, just like the ones at a ski resort. You get a bird's-eye view of the Zoo, the Bay, and even San Francisco in the distance. Down below we saw a lion sleeping, camels, elephants, bison, and all kinds of other animals, including the best giraffe yard I've ever seen. I captured this giraffe relaxing on the ground, which I imagine is just like capturing a shark sleeping or a snake jumping in the air.

Giraffes have a coloring that ranks up in coolness with anything Mother Nature has to offer. It might not surprise you to hear it from me but there are giraffes featured on smocked clothing. Alennys has two outfits for boys and girls. The Smocked Giraffe Boys Longall is in light cotton, and the giraffes have raised fur and a puffed yarn tail. The Girls Giraffe Smocked Romper in pink and white gingham also features a yarn tail.

For those who can't make up their mind which animal to choose or have a child that loves them all, why not go on Safari and have them all? It's Zuccini again, with the Boys Smocked Safari Longall.

One of the best parts of any trip to the Zoo is what you haul back to the house: tired kids!